
Posts Tagged ‘kids’

It has been a learning process and it has been difficult at times but I am proud to say it is day 5 of the accelerated 10 min trainer program. I have kept up with the 3 stack a day plan, except the yoga day.

Yesterday and today I  did 1 of the workouts in the morning. I think I feel better clarity when I exercise first thing in the morning. It’s too early to show any major changes but I certainly feel the effects.

The true challenge is in the jeans test. Are they still tight.. or do they slip on easy? I am waiting until friday to try on a pair I wore last fall again. They fit just right then but have since gotten tight over the holiday season.

The winter months are harsh on the body. Summer time allows me to get out and walk and take my kids to the park. But since late November I have not gotten out very much and that plus the holiday season took it’s toll. But it was super cute this morning to see my 2 year old daughter trying to work out like mommy does. I was jogging circles with her and she was giggling up a storm.

Anyways I think 10 min trainer is helping a lot so I am happy. I also am trying to watch my portions, although I am not drastically cutting calories, just trying to eat less junk. I got a tip from the John Tesh radio show about using smaller dinner plates to trick your mind into thinking you ate more. I was skeptical but it works!

Also I am not a huge fan of drinking water all the time so my soloution is 2 things.. home-made green tea with splenda sweetener, and the south beach diet protein waters to replace sodas. Well mostly… I crave a Diet Dr Pepper now and then so I indulge. But it is down to once every other day or less.

More comming soon! Actually less.. weight.. more.. me. 🙂

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I am 27 years old, a mom of three and I want to lose weight. Many of us do, but we do not know how to start. I have a weakness for delishious food but I do not pig out, often. I have to admit I have days I ate more than I should. I must be honest with myself.

 My biggest problem though is not my eating habits, its my level of activity. I work from home making virtual clothing, buildings, making web sites, doing affiliate work, and other assorted busy work. Plus I go to college online. In all it’s way to much sitting down!

I am up and about off and on all day chasing my three kids and playing with them, but I still sit, a lot. Right now it’s worse because it is winter and its cold. Plus in this economy money is so tight!

But I have a plan and I have good tools. So if you are like me, or you have been here, I hope to encourage you. Or if you’d like you can encourage me. I am NOT the most diciplined person on the planet.

Hot french fries, chocolate.. who can resist now and then?

My first tool you are looking at, a live journal where anyone can see what I am doing. If I slack off, please send a comment telling me to stop being lazy, lol. I think it will help to have at least a weekly update of my progress. I am a busy mom, so posting EVERY day might be too much, but weekly is good.

The second tool is a cool visual model I found. It shows how I look now and how I want to look. Its located at: http://www.prevention.com/mvm/main.html

So I customised myself, its rather accurate, here I am..

Weight Loss Goals

My third tool is my handy calorie tracker. There are a BUNCH on the internet but I really like the free one at caloriebalancediet.com . You can even add custom foods and snacks you eat often. One thing I do not like is that things like eggs which have good cholestorol make the tracker think you just went nuts with cholestorol. Plus you might want to tweak the setting to your specific needs if you use it, we are not photo copies, we have needs that differ per person!

My fourth tool is Tony Hortons 10 Min Trainer Deluxe. I got it off E-Bay much cheaper than you could get directly from the store so I am good with that. It should arrive by the end of the week depending on the seller.


Let’s hope the sappy crying infomercial people are not in fact actors of academy award calibur. I got this to slim down without bulking up. I don’t want to win awards for muscules, I just want soft slender but firm curves. And it’s not a skinny blonde telling me to suck in my tummy.

Fifth is my DDR, dance dance revoloution game. Mainly because its so much fun to do. Im not sure it really contributes a lot, but it gets me up and I love to dance and sing.

I also plan to get a YMCA membership so I can swim within a month or two. I love thier steam room it feels soo nice. Plus they have great ab and thigh machines, my two biggest problem areas. 

So thats the plan. Stay tuned!

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They say music is the heartbeat of life. In my case I found myself sad this morning and decided to browse youtube for some songs that really couple with how I feel right now. Two by Linkin Park popped into my head.

Sometimes I feel like people who are full of imagination and playfulness are suffocated in this world. Everyone keeps telling me that work and college and saving money, investing, and complete focus on my kids and husband are what a good wife and woman must do. Yes, to a certain degree you have to take responsibility for your life. Kids need to get outside and play and have a great time, but they need downtime where they can play on thier own too. Work is nessesary to pay the bills, and college will get a better salary, but I dont want to trudge to work from 9-5 every day, come home, cook dinner, tuck the kids in, and go to bed and repeat.

I want fun! I want to be able to play a little. I want to create great things and write stories and hang out with my friends. I want to have fun and not be scolded every time I goof off. I still get my bills paid.. I still get my kids out and have fun.. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU PEOPLE WANT? I decided I really dont care anymore. Aside from going to college, which I am, to get a job that pays well enough that I only have to work part time, and I can keep my kids out of daycares. As well as trying to make compromises, many I don’t like, but for the sake of marriage and children. The rest of it I am tired of. I do not want to be like the world says I am “supposed” to be. I tried it, I already feel numb.

Anyways.. Here are the videos I found that really hit home right now.


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When I got married I never expected every day to be perfect. People sometimes disagree and even argue with one another. I knew my husband already had a health problem but I also felt with his positive attitude about life, that we could weather anything, and for a while we did.

About 7 years into the marriage things somehow began to get more difficult, and then a year and a half ago it began to really crumble. It basically hit bottom a few days ago so, I went to my moms for a long weekend with my three kids. Never before did I ever wish more that I could just be free of all the stupidity.  But I am not willing to give up.. and neither is he.. This is the very definition on the “worse” part of the vows of marriage.

I am heading back home tomorrow and I am praying for the arguments to stop. We both have agreed over the phone to make some changes. I have to admit it was my kids that kept me from just telling him to forget it. I never claimed to be perfect but the man is a difficult, much more down, and very unmotivated person with flares of unprovoked anger.

I feel like this is the last path available though. I am trying to be willing to comprimise without just becoming a “Stepford” wife to him. I feel like my “self” is totally being supressed and lost with 3 kids and a demanding husband.

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Hurray! Today I turn 27 years old. I think im happy about it although it certainly seems a little too close to 30 for me. My mom stopped at 29 for many years.. I think I understand why now.

With three kids and limited funding I suppose I will just hang out at home and not do any ‘work’ as my treat. That actually sounds pretty nice. Wait it is sunday… I should not lie. I plan to finish a couple small things this morning. Then to listen to a sermon.

I find myself enjoying the live ministry from Lakewood Church on sundays. Joel Osteen and his wife Victoria and all of their ministers there are really positive. I watch it with my family and its alot easier for us right now than it is to get everyone rounded up for a service. Im off to watch it now in fact.

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I am a mother… I am so proud to be a mother. I have three amazing and beautiful children. I enjoy taking care of them each day.

My oldest son, Ryan, is 7 and he is so smart I am amazed each day. He knows more about tractors and lawn mowers than half the staff at the tractor company. He does well in school, a blessing, and enjoys socializing with friends.

My 2 (in may) year old daughter, Summer, is a ball of fire. She is stubborn, opinionated, and gorgeous, I think it comes with the red hair. I knew I was in trouble when she came into the world scowling.

My youngest son, Tristan, is 5 months old at this time. He has a personality that makes him easy to like. He is the type of child you suspect will grow up to win the Nobel Prize in something. That or perhaps become president, but I hate to compare him to a politician…

I am also a woman. Sometimes I wonder if she is lost somewhere under all the tired mess.

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